Weekly Reading
I read an article from eschoolnews.com. I thought it was a sad topic but at the same time one that would be relative to our class. This article was about the death of Steve Jobs. For those that don't know who Steve Jobs is, he was an important man for technology to this day. He was the creator and inventor of Apple Incorporation. These products include the Mac Computers in our class to Iphones that some people use frequently each and every day. He co-founded this product back in 1973 and these products have come a long way to being arguably the top product on the market. Steve Jobs always spoke about wanting to "make a dent in the universe." He certainly has achieved his goal. I'm sure even though Steve Jobs has passed, people of the company will always try their best to keep Apple Products to be the best that they could possibly be.
Technical Skills
This week I put my standards on for Project 1: Come to the Edge. I didn't know how to do it but got some help from one of my peers. She showed me how to do it. It was good knowing that my peers are there for my help and of course I would help hem with the knowledge that I know. I found it to be very convenient that the link was automatically posted and all you had to do was just click which standard you wanted.
Field Observation
Today I had my second field observation and unlike my first time, there wasn't any technology used today. Technology can't be used too much because teachers need to go back to the basics of teaching certain lessons at times which i found to be very understandable and reasonable. Since I only observe once a week, who knows, maybe they did technology yesterday and I just missed it. I'm sure they use technology daily because my host teacher does think it is a helpful resource for students to use to advance their learning abilities. I hope the next time I got to do my participatory observation I get to see the students in action using all the technology that is available to them.
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